Thursday 2 April 2015

Types Of Muscles

Types Of muscle:-


Striated= limbs,tongue,pharynx,beginning of oesophagus.
Smooth muscle=In wall of visceral organs and also in hair muscle.
Cardiac muscle=Myocardium of heart.

Arrangement :-

Striated=In bundle
Smooth muscle=As sheet of visceral organs.
Cardiac muscle=Continous network

Size & shape

Striated= long,cyclindrical with blund ends.
Smooth muscle=short,spindle-shaped with pointed ends.
Cardiac muscle=short, cylindrical with flat ends.

Surface membrane 

Striated= sarcolemma
Smooth muscle= Plasma membrane
Cardiac muscle=Sarcolemma


Striated= Multinucleated,nuclei peripheral
Smooth muscle= uninucleated,nucleus central
Cardiac muscle= uninucleated, nucleus central


Striated= presence of dark & light bands.
Smooth muscle= no bands
Cardiac muscle=bands present.

Blood supply

Striated= highly vascular
Smooth muscle= less vascular
Cardiac muscle= highly vascular

Mitochondria & glycogen granules 

Striated= Numerous
Smooth muscle= less in number
Cardiac muscle=numerous


Striated= From CNS(Central nervous System)
Smooth muscle=From ANS(autonomous nervous System)
Cardiac muscle=Both ANS & CNS


Striated= Unbranched
Smooth muscle= Unbranched
Cardiac muscle= Branched

Mode of contraction

Striated= Contract rapidly for short period as soon as get fatique
Smooth muscle=Contract slowly for long period as do not get fatiqued
Cardiac muscle=rhythmically & never get fatique

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