Wednesday 1 April 2015

Food Fish & unique feature

Many bony fishes are used as food Common Food Fishes of india are:-
Fresh Water Food FishesJ                                       
1.   Labeo rohita(Rohu).
2.   Labeo calbasu(Calbasu).
3.   Catla catla(catla).
4.   Cirrhiana mrigia(Mrigal)
5.   Mystus seenghala(Sanghara).
6.   Wallago attu(Malhi).
7.   Cyprinus caprio(carp).
8.   Ophiocephalus  striatus(Channa).
9.   Notophterus chitala(Chital).
Marine Food Fishes
      I.            Hilsa(Hilsa).
   II.            Anguilla(Eel).
III.            Sardinella(Salmon).
IV.            Harpodon(Bombay duck).
  V.            Stromateus(Pomphret).

                    UNIQUE FEATURES OF BONY FISHES              
(a)           Exoskeleton of dermal ganoid or ctenoid or cycloid scales.
(b)           Homocercal tail fin.
(c)            Gill slits covered by Operculum.
(d)           Two chambered,venous and branchial heart.
(e)           Presence of Swim-bladder.
(f)              Ammonotelism.


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