Wednesday 15 April 2015

Molecular Structure of gene

Molecular Structure of  gene :-

Gene is chemically DNA, but the length of DNA which constitute a gene , is controversial
Three terms;  Cistron, Muton & recon were given by Setmour Benzer to explain the relation between DNA length & gene

a.)    Cistron or Functional gene or gene in real sense

      Cistron is that particular length of DNA which is capable of producing a protein molecule or polypeptide chain or enzyme mol.
 A gene or cistron of a protein will be having N-base or nucleoprotein three times the numbers of amino acids in a protein molecule, e.g ; A cistron of a protein molecule having 100 amino acids will be having 300 N-bases or nucleotides (aa genetic code is triplet)

b.)    Muton or unit of mutation :-

     Muton is that that length of DNA which is capable of undergoing mutation . Muton is having one or part of nucleotide

c.)     Recon :-

Recon is that length of DNA, Which is capable of undergoing crossing over or capable of recombination . Recon is having one or two pairs of nucleotides

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