Friday 17 April 2015



  1. Rickettsia is a genus of non-motille,gram negative , non spore forming,highly pleomorphic bacteria
  2. It may be present as cocci, rods or thread like .
  3. It is obligate intracellular parasite & its survival depends on entry, growth & replication within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic  host cells
  4. Rickettsia   cannot live in artificial nutrient environment & are grown either in tissue or embryonic culture
  5. Rickettsia  bacteria are susceptible to antibiotics of tetracycline group
  6. Earlier they are placed in between viruses  & true bacteria
  7. They are associated many of animal disease like African tick bite fever, Rocky mountain fever  & many plant disease like Citrus green bacterium, peach phony RLO etc
  8. Rickettsia can grow inside living cell like viruses, also thought that they are closest living relatives to bacteria because of origin of mitochondria  organelle that exist inside eukaryotic cell mostly

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