Thursday 11 June 2015

Classification of plant movement

Classification of plant movement :-

Plant movement's can be classified into the following major type :

1. Movements of locomotion :-

In this case, pant move physically from one place to another

2. Movement of curvature :-

 In these case, plants are fixed, thus they fail to move from one place to another. Somehow, movement is noticed in the form of bend or curvature on any part of the last movement of curvature can be classified into :

1. Growth hormone :- 

when bend or curvature is produced due to growth and curvature is permanent

2. Variation movement :-

when a temporary curvature is produced without growth. The above-mentioned movements may be both i.e , autonomic and paratonic . therefore, paratonic or induced movements are of three types :
a. Tactic
b. Tropic
c. Nastic
Tactic movements :-  are movements of locomotion which is induced due to unidirectional external stimuli. They are also called as paratonic movements of locomotion
Tropic movements :- are growth movements due to some external stimulus like light, gravity, touch etc. They are also known as paratonic growth movements
Nastic movements :-  which are also called as paratonic variation movements and are determined due to some external stimulus viz, light ,temperature, chemical, touch. They are diffused and usually accompanied by turgor change. Here response has no relationship with the direction of stimulus. In the present text, we shall limit to some tropic and turgor movements that occur most commonly in plants

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