Monday 25 May 2015



  • Secondary xylem is called wood
  • Angiosperms wood having vessels is known as porous wood , while the vessels gymnospermous wood is called non-porous wood
  • Wood formed during spring season and having larger xylem elements , while the wood formed during winter or autumn having smaller xylem elements is known as winter wood & autumn wood or late wood
  • Wood peripheral in position in stem, which is lighter in colour and meant for conduction of water and minerals  is known as wood or laburnum . while the central position of the wood which is dark in colour due to deposition of tannins, resins , gums and tyloses is called dark wood or heart wod or dura known men . it performs mechanical function
  • Drying of wood or minimizing  water content of wood is known of seasoning  wood . it can be done by two ways , either naturally by air seasoning or artificial by kiln seasoning

Important wood :-

1.       Lightest Wood :- Balsa wood or Ochroma
2.       Heaviest wood :-  Krugiodendron ferrum
3.       Iron wood :- Guaiacum officinale
4.       Walnut wood :- Juglans regia
5.       White willow:- Salix alba
6.       Mulberry wood:- Morus alba
7.       Ebony wood:- Diospyros ebenumona
8.       Indian red wood:- Dalbergia sissoo
9.       Indian rose wood or Indian black wood :-Dalbergia latifolia
10.   Austrailian black wood :- Acacia melanoxylon
11.   Teak wood :- Tectona grandis
12.   Sal wood :-Shorea robusta
13.   Haldoo wood :-Adina cordifolia
14.   Populus :- Plywood , match sticks, paper pulp etc


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