Thursday 28 May 2015

Anther & Microsporogenesis

Anther & Microsporogenesis :-

  1. Pollen grain or microspore are formed inside anther, which is the fertile portion of stamen or microsporophyll
  2. This formation of microspore or pollen is called microsporogenesis
  3. Anther is having a column of sterile tissue called connective and on either side of this connective is an anther lobe
  4. Each anther lobe is usually having 2 chambers or pollen sacs called microsporangia and thus generally there are 4 microsporangia per anther
  5. Such anther having 2 anther lobe & 4 microsporangia or pollen chambers are called “dithecous anthers” or two celled anthers. However , at maturity , two microsporangia of an anthers lobe get united by dissolution of partition wall between them
  6. In some plants , anther is having only single anther lobe 7 2 microsporangia instead of 4, such anthers are called “monothecous anthers ” or one celled anthers.
  7. A rare case in Arceuthobium . where is only one microsporangium per anthers, i.e, microsporangiate condition
  8. Detailed structure of anther in T.s shown in following structure
  9. a.       Parietal layer of the anther
  10. b.      Pollen chamber or microsporangia having sporangenous tissue or archesporial tissue  

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