Wednesday 13 May 2015

Fumitories and Masticatories

Fumitories and Masticatories :-

Fumitories are those substances which are used for smoking while masticatories are used for chewing

1.       Tobacco: Nicotina tabacum  Family-Solanaceae

It is mainly used for chewing & for snuffing
In Tobacco Alkaloid nicotine is present which is responsible for narcotic & soothing properties

2.       Betel (Pan): Piper betle Family –Piperaceae

It is a popular masticatory and is digestive, stimulant and carminative . it is said to be a good source of calcium

3.       Catechu (Kattha) : Acacia catechu , Family – Momosaceae

It is obtain from the heart  wood and mainly applied on batei leaf

4.       Coca : Erythroxylon coca;  Family – Erythroxylaceae

The drug cocaine is obtained from the powdered leaves of this plant .its powder is used as snuff and also resist physical and mental fatique

5.       Hemp: Cannabis sativa Family-Cannabinaceae

From the female flowering tops and leaves a resin, charas or hashish is obtained which is used as a  narcotic stimulant
Bhang is obtained from young dried leaves & flowering shoots of plants.
Ganja is dried unfertilized female flowering tops covered  with resinous substances

6.       Opium :- Papaver somniferum ; Family – Papaaveraceae

Opium is the latex obtained from the unripe capsules of Papaver
A number of alkaloids have been isolated from opium, till now 25 are known . out of these alkaloids morphine and codeine are the important one.
Morphine is analgesic and sleep & dream inducing properties , while codeine being milder than morphine used in cough syrup

7.       Arecanut (Supari) : Areca catechu Family-Palmae

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