Sunday 3 May 2015



Most cells generate ATP and other high energy compounds by breaking down carbohydrates , especially glucose
Only glucose circulates in blood .The normal glucose concentration in human blood is 100 mgrm/100 ml of blood i.e, 0.1% of blood
Respiratory substrate yielding maimum number of ATP molecules is glucose


  • The process of glycogen formation from glucose is known as glycogenesis
  • In mammals glucose Is stored in form glycogen in liver & skeletal muscles
  • Glycogen is an important energy reserve that can be broken down


  • Glycogen can be broken down to glucose when the need arises, this process is called glycogenolyis,  a process stimulated by glycagon & epinephrine
  • Glycogenolysis is the hydrolytic breakdown of glycogen a process just reserve to glycogenesis
  • Glycogenolysis occurs Mainly in liver to maintain blood sugar level in between meals


  • Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose or glycogen from noncarbohydrates precursors such as lactic acid, glycerol or amino acid
  • Fatty acid & many amino acids cannot be used
  •  For Gluconeogenesis, because their catabolic pathways produce acetyl CoA
  • Gluconeogenesis occurs chiefly in liver to maintain blood sugar when dirt is deficient in carbohydrates
  • Gluconeogenesis is the catabolism of proteins and lipids in liver to yield glucose
  • Like Glycogenolysis , Gluconeogenesis adds glucose to the blood thereby helping to maintain normal blood glucose level


  • Glycolysis is the sequence of reactions that converts glucose to pyruvic acid through Embden-Meyerhof pathway
  • Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm , it is first phase in the breakdown of glucose..

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