Monday 13 April 2015

Electroencephalogram & brain Waves

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

  • 1.      The electrical activity of the brain and the cerebral cortex can be recorded through the instrument like electroencephalograph or cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 2.      The recording of spontaneous electrical activity of the brain is electroencephalogram
  • 3.      Electrical tracing of the cerebral cortex is called EEG
  • 4.      Berger in 1929 was first to record EEG
  • 5      Electroencephalic record in normal human subjects consist of four different types of rhythmic waves namely Alpha,Beta,Theta, & Delta etc
  • i.)                  Alpha Waves :- 10-12 cycles/sec. alpha waves are most prominent when the brain is under quite rest

-          Alpha waves disappear when eyes remain open
-          Alpha wave disappear entirely during sleep
ii.)                Beta wave :- 15-60 cycles/sec . beta waves appear during tension or during intense activities of CNS
iii.)              Theta wave :- 5-8 cycles/sec. theta wave are prominent in children between age of 2 to 5 years
iv.)              Delta waves :- 1-5 cycles /sec delta wave rarely found in normal adults during waking periods, but usually found during deep sleep

-          Delta waves in EEG also indicate brain damage

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