Friday 11 July 2014

Despersion Of Seed & Fruit

Despersion Of Seed & Fruit :-

From The Dehisense Fruit Seed Are release & Disperse Automactically , But In Case Of Indefiscent All fuit Automactically Break & disperse itself , They Disperse In That Manner,
As they get proper Light , proper nutrient & Favour evolution of Species . Because seed Does not have locomotary Organ , So they require Some agency for dispersion like some time eplosive mechanism

@ Types Of Dispersion of Seed :-
They Are Mainly of two type :-

They Are Mainly of two type :-

1.) Autopory :-

in these dispersion of seed are happen automactically or plant itself
Here dispersion of seed are happen by some kind of agency , which are mainly of following type :-

i) Anemophory :-

In these dispersion of seed are happen by agency of wind, which are of many kind , for anemophory plant seed adapt some feature are
- light weight
- minute seed
in such type of plant seed flow away long distance by wind current Ex:- Seed of orchid are smallest in plant having weight 0.004 gram weight , they carried by wind sometime 1000 km away 

@ Modification in Anemophory :-

# Wind Seed & Fruit :-

In Some Plant seed & fruit membranous wing like structure found, which take seed away into air Ex :- maize

# Parachut like appearance :-

In Some fruitParachut like modification persistant calyx are found , Ex :- seed of compositae 

# Pappus :- 

Hair Like structure development from persistent calyx in member of compositae family

# sensor mechanism :-

In case of opium fruit, opium fruit below the stigma small pore are found , which allow seed to disperse at a time , when fruit swing in air Ex :- poppy

# Rolling Mechanism :-

Founf in carthamus, Amaranthus,chenopodium in which all plant dry up, after bearing seed & fruit get uprooted by wind & roll over the ground & that's why seed disperse , these type called tumble mechanism

ii) Hydrophory :-

In these dispersion of seed are happen by agency of water , in such type plant floating device or protective covering are found
Ex :- 

# In Case of coconut mesocarp,became fibrous so fruit become vary light & it can swin easily in water
# In lotus hydrphory are found, in lotus flower thalamus seed are embedded their , which are very ligt swim over water & dispersed

iii) Zoophory :-

In these dispersion of seed are happen by agency of Animal or Sometime man also, 

@ Modification In these :-

- fruit having spike,hook & anthium, when any animal came near these plant , by hook or spike these plant seed are attached to animal fur or skin ,which carry them long distance sometime, in some cases sticky gland also present in these plant
- Some plant produce fleshy or raw material
- Human traveller carry some ornamental or commercial plant for ornamental or any use , by which their seed are disperse

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