Sunday 6 July 2014

Post Fertilization Changes

Post Fertilization Changes :-

After Double Fertilization stamen, petal, style,stigma are get dry , but sometime it remain they persist 

Post fertilization changes occur in 4 steps :-

1. Development of endosperm from primary Endosperm nucleus (PEN) 
2. Development Of Embryo from zygote
3. Development Of Seed from ovule
4. Development Of Fruit From ovary

1. Development of endosperm from primary Endosperm nucleus (PEN) :-

After Formation of Primary Endosperm nucleus , during process of seed formation, endosperm is a place where food is store for development of embryo & futher production, Primary endosperm nuvcleus is 3n In nature .
# On bases Of 1st & other subsequent Division Of primary endosperm nucleus is 3 Type :-

i) Nucleaur Endosperm :- 

- Here After entry of POllen tube , one nucleus fuse with egg & 2nd one fuse with POlar nuclei form PEN (primary endosperm nucleus)
- Now Triplod 3n PEN (primary endosperm nucleus) , having free Nuclear Division. Which form many Cell
- After Cell Division , all cell pushes outward , & makes a large central vacoule
- Now Cell Wall Formation take Place, & endosperm formed
- Ex :- Acalypha
* Special character is that it having free nuclear cell division

ii) Cellular Endosperm :-

- Here After entry of POllen tube , one nucleus fuse with egg & 2nd one fuse with POlar nuclei form PEN (primary endosperm nucleus)
- PEN (primary endosperm nucleus) Divide by transverse division & 2 cell Are Made with cell wall
- Now after 2 cell it divide into many division which make 4 to 8 cell with cell wall , Which form cell in linear arrangement & makes Cellular Endosperm
- Ex :- Pitunea
* Special character is that it having many cell wall division

iii) Halobial Endosperm :-

- Here After entry of POllen tube , one nucleus fuse with egg & 2nd one fuse with POlar nuclei form PEN (primary endosperm nucleus)
- Here PEN cell divide form 2 cell , in which one cell is Bigger than Other, The bigger cell is present at Micropylar end
- Free Nuclear Cell Division occur in Bigger cell which Form Many Cell, After that all cell pushes outward , & makes a large central vacoule
- Simultaneously small cell which present at chalazal end Divide form 2-3 cell form Hausterian Cell , Which act as for attachment
* Special character is that it having Haustein cell division

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